At Community Association Partners, we realize that finding the right management company is often difficult, time consuming, and costly. Too often the Board bases the criteria for selection on the "least expensive" rather than whether or not the management company is the "right fit" for the association.
Does the personality of the management company and its manager fit with the Board and your association?. How is the management company's office organized? How will the HOA funds be handled, and what internal checks and balances are in place to safeguard association funds?.
Does the personality of the management company and its manager fit with the Board and your association?. How is the management company's office organized? How will the HOA funds be handled, and what internal checks and balances are in place to safeguard association funds?.
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Community Association Partners is dedicated to offering the best value in management services, consulting, and developer services to condominiums, townhomes, and planned unit communities in Oregon and SW Washington. We have one simple goal, "To make a difference in the HOA industry by setting a higher standard of management."
Community Association Partners is dedicated to offering the best value in management services, consulting, and developer services to condominiums, townhomes, and planned unit communities in Oregon and SW Washington. Mr. Hamilton brings a unique level of expertise to CA Partners. He has an extensive background in business, particularly business development and customer service.
Reviews (9)
Kam K.
Mar 28, 2022
Horrible experience dealing with them. Their firm made a mistake and would not work to resolve the matter. They were rude, dishonest, and created an argumentative situation, for a simple item. Also, they were unconcerned with us going to any board of directors because of a technicality. So, if you are thinking of using this firm; I'd recommend looking around.
Meghan Schultz
Jun 07, 2019
Nick Zolotko
Jun 05, 2019
Kim Gronroos
Apr 27, 2019
Very courteous and helpful. Our complex is going through major decisions and overhauls since our last management company, and they have been extremely helpful in explaining the processes in easy to understand terms, quick and thorough when coming up with bids on projects, and are quick to respond to questions and emails. I wish we had gone with them a long time ago.
Denise W.
Apr 14, 2019
We are a small community of homeowners that have been using CAP since the developer finished the last home about eight years ago. David Hummel, Community Manager and Erin, Community Administrator are both quick to respond to emails and special requests. They have also been very helpful navigating all of the laws and regulations regarding HOA's in Oregon. David attends meetings when requested and is always very professional and helpful. Erin has helped us apply for a refund from Tualatin Valley Water when we had an irrigation leak and sends out the friendly reminders to homeowners when they violate HOA rules. We have developed a great working relationship with CAP.
Pam Moreland
Dec 16, 2018
Matt Brown
Nov 26, 2018
CAP had been a great group to work with. David & Erin are a fantastic team and diligently help our HOA stay on top of all the issues that matter. They're fantastic communicators and know how to get the job done. I highly recommend working with CAP. If you've ever had a bad experience with an property management group, you know how big a headache that can be. Don't roll the dice, work with CAP.
Chris Ross Kennedy
Apr 26, 2018
Management ran like a small corrupt government where their profit is at the expense of condominium owners. Everything is done behind closed doors and nothing is negotiable. The company owners wife just bought a brand new huge Mercedes (the big one) directly after CAP closed a $3,000,000 renovation deal no one had a chance to vote on. Now everyone found out there is $1,000,000 set aside for incidentals and no straightforward answers, just double speak from their lawyer. Petition them out immediately.
Ed Hamilton
Apr 03, 2018
The post from Chris Kennedy which is NOT the persons real name, is an angry misinformed owner who never joined meetings or any of the remediation process. None of the post information is valid or correct. Its truly unfortunate that people who don't get involved with the process become part of the problem with trying to undermine those who have worked so hard to make their community a better place to live.